It is past midnight and Roland gasps as he runs across a passage, way to his lab with a small grey color shiny component in his hands that looks like a ring, with investors falling off he knows it is final attempt to create a unique innovation which the world would remember forever.
Roland has been working with this confidential project since seven years without any success, but back in his mind he is always confident that success isn’t far and he can pull it at any time. Meanwhile in the lab he connects the grey color component to his near completion project.
In span of few minutes green light begins to blink and the beeps are getting louder, that meant he had 50% success the other 50% still remains. With his right thumb he pushes a small button and with index finger he pushes another on the bracelet which is wrapped on his left wrist.
The sun is shining bright. After-awhile with entire body covered in sand Roland struggles to breathe and move his body. He doesn’t realize where he is, when he does it’s too late for him. It is year 1321.BC and he is in the land of Egypt ruled by great monarch Akhenaten son of Amenhotep III.
Akhenaten’s religious conviction was such that he moved the Egyptian capital from Thebes to Amarna and named it Akhenaten “Horizon of Aten”. He thinks to himself the project is success but on other hand chill runs down through his spine when he knows where he is.
Roland is brought before Akhenaten by his guards in the strong presence of his wife queen Nefertiti. After a serious conversation Akhenaten asks his soldiers to feed Roland to his lions as he thinks Roland as a threat. Roland gasps with his thirsty throat and makes the final attempt and requests not to kill him as he is ‘ Creative Craftsman ‘ and he can do anything as Akhenaten wants. With a little pity in her heart Nefertiti requests Akhenaten to give Roland a chance.
Roland requests Akhenaten that he needs to go in future and bring few components with him in-order to create something marvellous. However he also requests Akhenaten that if he likes his innovation he will not only free him but also prisoners who work for him. Akhenaten looks at Nefertiti and after a while they both nod in YES and grants permission to Roland to teleport in future but not without his guards. Roland takes all the tools and components with him and again teleport’ s himself back to year 1321.BC in Egypt.
He starts to assemble his idea and after few months it takes shape in the form of his motorcycle which he calls it as ‘ FORAY ‘. Roland starts the bike and goes on short ride in presence of Akhenaten’s heavily armored guards. Akhenaten and Nefertiti look in awe and are astonished as to what Roland as designed.
As promised Roland with Akhenaten’s, prisoners are released. Roland is showered with accolades and gets bags full of gold coins. Akhenaten permits Roland to travel but not before Roland gives him lessons on how to ride his latest innovation ‘ FORAY ‘. Till today ‘ FORAY ‘ stands strong as testimony of time and Roland’s creative work.
In present time, news spread like wild fire and various media houses gets to know about Roland’s awe –inspiring feat and are eager to know more about it from him and one among them is LivingWithGravity. After few months i received an appointment with Roland for his interview and here is my talk with Roland Groteclaes.
1.How does the idea of making or doing something different comes to you?
Roland : Wow, well that is already a very difficult question to answer, as I cant fully explain the process, maybe because I never really took the time to think about it. In fact, I think that is something that I have always loved doing, like having a cup of coffee in the morning.
As have been drawing since an early age, pencil and paper have become like my own shadow, part of myself, and the place in which I can always express my ideas, feelings and give both sides of my life, dark and bright.For great part of my sculptures, everything has started by using objects that I have encountered during my travels.
One example is an old carburetor which I assemble with other pieces, as to create a new piece with a soulful identity. I believe this to be a form of contructivisim in which there is no designated target.
2.How do you describe yourself in one word?Innovator, Designer, Architect or Builder?
Roland : “Creative Craftsman”.
3.I am excited to know more on your FORAY motorcycle?If you could shed some light.
Roland : The Birth of the idea of the motorcycle FORAY, comes from a time in which a friend from England gifted me a used Honda F1 carbon fiber oil-air heat exchanger. He thought of using this for making a sculpture of it, but it was more than clear for me to grant this piece a new identity as an upcycled motorcycle fuel tank.The creation of the FORAY and its mere existence turns all around one piece: the fuel tank.
The engine is an original BoT (Battle of Twins) Ducati 944 cc race engine, with open Keihin 41 FCR carburetors.Nonetheless, my dream would only start to be assembled by finding what I like to call the Holy Grail, a lost Bimota Tesi Omega frame, which I simply decided to turn around to obtain a perfect geometry for the future trellis frame, in addition to using a 15CDV6 aircraft tube due to the materials high performance.
This was then followed by a period of drawing, designing and engineering the trellis frame, to finally obtain a sturdy and elegant way in which to represent my vision.
The construction of the trellis frame, and the cutting and filling of the tubes into different shapes and angles was truly complex, and a complete mixture between meditation, frustration and excitement.
The FORAY project reflects the work that was conducted with passion and determination and a good level of lunacy and caffeine, which also relied greatly in comradely and craftsmanship.
4.How do you decide the priority of your work?As you do lot many things like making Sculptures, Paintings, Illustrations and Design different artifacts.
Roland : In fact, its the actual project and the joy it gives me, that allows the possibility for me to set my priorities.However, in some cases, it is the client who decides the priority of a giving project.Actually, the reality of things is that I always have different projects active at the same time, but as being someone who has always been thankful to my friends and family, they have always been my main priority.
If there is anything that I have always enjoyed is having various projects on the table at the same time were I can work with different arts and crafts, as I believe that it is enriching and stimulating as to have the opportunity to think outside of the box, creating an atmosphere in which I feel a sense of liberty and creativity.
5.You do lot of things like Designs, Sculptures, Paintings and more?What is one thing that is left which you would like to do in future?
Roland : I am someone who believes in the principal that all arts are like endless landscapes, you can never stop travelling across them, as there is always something new to discover, elaborate and experience,as it was a never ending story.What I believe to be of extreme importance is to observe things with great detail and allow your heart and soul to be expressed by the best tool we have, our bare hands.
6.Do you plan to build more bikes in future?
Roland : As a motorcycle enthusiast, my passion for motorbikes started as a young boy with some 50ccm bikes. These bikes underwent great suffering as I conducted bloody transformations and turnings that at the beginning did not show to be as effective as I had planned it to be.
So taking into account that motorbikes are of great passion to me, we could assume that there will be a new project with two wheels sitting at my workshop in the near future, but I feel no pressure as to rushing into crafting a new bike, but instead, I feel more inclined into taking the time that is needed to go out on my bikes and enjoy a nice ride with friends.
7.What is close to your heart Designs, Sculptures, Paintings or Bike Building?
Roland : If I must choose I believe that Painting & Sculpturing is what makes my heart tick.

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Source : Roland Groteclaes