The DS Automobiles SM TRIBUTE redefines modern tributes to classic cars. It offers a modern perspective while paying homage to the Citroën SM, a legendary model from the 1970s. DS Automobiles maintains one foot in the past and the other in the future. This tribute vehicle is a remarkable testament to that philosophy.

DS Automobiles: A Heritage Reimagined

In 2014, DS Automobiles was born as a brand focused on reviving Citroën’s premium roots. It draws inspiration from the original DS model, which debuted at the 1955 Paris Motor Show. DS Automobiles continues as a beacon of innovation and heritage.

This new SM TRIBUTE continues the brand’s journey of blending historic designs with future-ready technologies. It’s a design study celebrating the past and pointing to the future.

Citroën SM: The Inspiration Behind the Tribute

The Citroën SM first hit the streets in 1970 and immediately stood out. It combined sleek styling, advanced technology, and a Maserati-sourced engine. These elements made the SM a high-performance vehicle far ahead of its time. Motor Trend named it “Car of the Year” in 1972, solidifying its place in automotive history.

The SM featured cutting-edge technologies for the 1970s. Variable assist power steering and hydro-pneumatic self-leveling suspension were groundbreaking innovations. DS Automobiles’ new concept car draws heavily from these advancements.

Exterior Design: A Tribute to the Original SM

The DS Automobiles SM TRIBUTE stays faithful to the Citroën SM’s iconic proportions. The car sports a sleek, aerodynamic silhouette with a wedge-shaped front end. The full-length headlight arrangement mirrors the futuristic design of the original.

At the rear, the concept car features a Kamm tail, enhancing its aerodynamic efficiency. Modern interpretations of the original fender skirts give it a fresh and familiar appearance. The exterior design reflects nostalgia and forward-thinking engineering. Each detail was meticulously crafted by DS DESIGN STUDIO PARIS.

Interior: Luxury Meets Innovation

The SM TRIBUTE’s interior is a masterclass in luxury and innovation. Inspired by the original SM’s plush cabin, this concept takes things up a notch with modern materials and technologies. Leather and Alcantara upholstery give the cabin a premium feel, while tech features keep it future-focused.

The seats feature tuck-and-roll-style leather, a design choice inspired by the 1970s. A sweeping curved display dominates the dashboard, blending old-world luxury with modern digital convenience. The door panels feature laser-engraved leatherwork, showcasing the brand’s commitment to craftsmanship.

The steering wheel design is a retro-inspired yoke-style, offering a nod to the past and a glimpse into the future of automotive ergonomics. The interior embodies luxury; it’s the seamless integration of past and future.

Mechanical and Technological Marvel

While the original Citroën SM relied on a Maserati engine, the DS Automobiles SM TRIBUTE runs on electric power. This decision is a clear indication of DS Automobiles’ commitment to sustainable and future-oriented technology.

Electric powertrains represent the future of the automotive industry. The SM TRIBUTE concept showcases DS Automobiles’ dedication to honoring past engineering feats while preparing for the future. Although details about the powertrain remain limited, this one-off concept offers a glimpse into the brand’s electrification strategy.

Advanced Features Inspired by the Citroën SM

The original SM was famous for its pioneering technologies, many of which were ahead of their time. DS Automobiles carries these elements forward in the SM TRIBUTE, ensuring the tribute car remains a mechanical marvel.

For instance, the variable assist power steering in the Citroën SM was revolutionary in the 1970s. The SM TRIBUTE adopts a similar ethos, ensuring precise handling and driving comfort. The suspension system was modernized, likely with advancements in electronically controlled systems. It replicates the smooth, cushioned ride the SM was known for.

Why the SM TRIBUTE Stands Out

Modernized tributes to classic cars are common. However, the SM TRIBUTE captures the essence of the original while pushing the envelope on design and technology. Most importantly, this concept provides unique insight into DS Automobiles’ future design language.

Thierry Metroz, DS Automobiles’ Design Director, explained the SM TRIBUTE is more than a portrayal of the original SM. It respects the spirit of the past while incorporating future-oriented elements. Metroz emphasized this concept also offers clues to what future DS Automobiles models may look like.

The Future of DS Automobiles: A Blend of Past and Future

The SM TRIBUTE serves as a preview of what we can expect from DS Automobiles in the coming years. Metroz’s words suggest the company focuses on evolving the DNA of iconic models like the SM.

DS Automobiles channels the innovation making the Citroën SM a technological marvel, adapting to contemporary needs and trends. Electric powertrains, advanced aerodynamics, and luxurious interiors dominate the brand’s design language. The SM TRIBUTE is a powerful statement of the brand’s direction.

Production: A Rare and Unique Tribute

The SM TRIBUTE is a factory-built one-off concept. This exclusivity ensures its status as a collector’s item, although it remains unavailable for sale. However, its influence on future DS Automobiles models could prove significant. This concept could inspire future production cars combining French luxury with cutting-edge technology.

The Impact on Future DS Models

Although the SM TRIBUTE remains a one-off, it holds the potential to shape DS Automobiles’ design and engineering in the future. The emphasis on blending vintage aesthetics with modern technology will likely influence upcoming models. Electric powertrains, luxurious interiors, and aerodynamic designs continue to dominate the brand’s design language.

Metroz’s comments suggest the SM TRIBUTE serves as a testing ground for future projects. The concept allows DS Automobiles to explore how they can incorporate the DNA of past models into new vehicles. Future models reflect the same balance between heritage and innovation.

What Does the SM TRIBUTE Mean for the Industry?

The SM TRIBUTE’s release reflects broader trends in the automotive industry. Many manufacturers revisit iconic models from the past and modernize them for the current market. However, few accomplish this with the same precision and respect for the original design as DS Automobiles.

The SM TRIBUTE doesn’t exist as just a flashy concept. It represents a deeper understanding of the importance of heritage in automotive design. At the same time, it highlights the industry’s shift toward sustainable and electric powertrains. As more automakers move in this direction, expect more tributes and modernizations of vintage models.

Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

Creating modernized versions of iconic cars presents unique challenges. DS Automobiles needed to find a balance between honoring the original Citroën SM and making the SM TRIBUTE relevant to today’s market. The choice to go electric is a clear nod to the future, but it also signals a departure from the original’s gasoline-powered roots.

Despite these challenges, the SM TRIBUTE presents a wealth of opportunities for DS Automobiles. It showcases the brand’s ability to innovate while staying true to its heritage. Future models will likely build on the lessons learned from this concept.

Conclusion: A Masterpiece in Design and Innovation

The DS Automobiles SM TRIBUTE represents more than a concept car. It’s a thoughtful tribute to one of the most iconic cars in Citroën’s history. It serves as a roadmap for the future of DS Automobiles, blending vintage design with modern technology.

This concept car is a testament to the brand’s dedication to innovation. As the automotive world continues evolving, the SM TRIBUTE serves as a reminder of the importance of heritage, design, and forward-thinking engineering. Future production models could take inspiration from this one-off concept. One thing remains certain: the SM TRIBUTE sets the stage for exciting developments in DS Automobiles’ future.

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