KTM’s “Never Stop” series on YouTube offers an unprecedented look into the creation of the 990 RC R.

The second chapter of this series dives deep into the testing and development process, providing viewers with a comprehensive understanding of what goes into building a high-performance motorcycle.

Come as we explore the key aspects of this series, focusing on the detailed processes involved in testing and developing the 990 RC R, and why this series is a must-watch for motorcycle enthusiasts.

The Design Phase: A Foundation of Innovation

Conceptualizing the 990 RC R

The journey of the 990 RC R begins in the design studio, where creativity meets engineering. KTM’s design team works tirelessly to sketch, model, and refine the initial concepts.

This phase is crucial as it sets the foundation for all subsequent development stages.

Integrating Aesthetics and Functionality

KTM’s designers focus on creating a bike that is not only visually appealing but also aerodynamically efficient. Every curve and contour is meticulously crafted to enhance performance.

The design phase also involves close collaboration with other departments to ensure that aesthetic choices do not compromise the bike’s functionality.

Testing and Development: The Heart of the “Never Stop” Series

Departmental Collaboration and Prototype Testing

In the second chapter, viewers get a front-row seat to the collaborative efforts across various departments. Each department receives a prototype to conduct specific tests.

This approach ensures that all aspects of the bike are thoroughly examined and optimized.

  • Electronic Electric Department: This team focuses on the bike’s electronic systems, ensuring that everything from the ECU to the sensors works flawlessly.
  • Development Department: They test the bike’s mechanical components, making adjustments to improve performance and reliability.
  • Durability Department: This team puts the bike through rigorous tests to ensure it can withstand prolonged use under various conditions.

Aerodynamics: The Wind Tunnel Tests

One of the most fascinating insights from Chapter Two is the emphasis on aerodynamics. The team conducts extensive wind tunnel tests to fine-tune the bike’s performance.

The attention to detail is evident as the test rider must maintain the exact same position as in previous tests, with constant reference to a sketch of his original posture. This precision ensures that the aerodynamic data is consistent and reliable.

On-Track Testing: Real-World Performance Evaluation

The Role of Luca Grünwald

Luca Grünwald, KTM’s lead test rider, plays a pivotal role in on-track testing. His feedback is crucial in fine-tuning the bike to ensure it performs exceptionally well on the track and is comfortable for riders of various sizes.

Testing Across Multiple Circuits

To achieve comprehensive data, the team tests the 990 RC R on several tracks, each offering unique conditions:

  • Almería Circuit: This track is ideal for testing different aerodynamic setups. The team can assess how changes in aerodynamics affect the bike’s speed and stability.
  • Tazio Nuvolari Circuit: Here, the focus is on ergonomics. Different ergonomic setups are tested to find the optimal balance between rider comfort and control.
  • Parcmotor Castelloli: This track is used to test the engine and suspension setup. The team evaluates various configurations to determine the best combination for performance and handling.

The Importance of Precision and Detail

No Compromises in Development

KTM’s commitment to perfection is evident throughout the “Never Stop” series. Every aspect of the 990 RC R is scrutinized, and no detail is too small.

This meticulous approach ensures that the final product is not only high-performing but also reliable and durable.

The Impact of Wind Tunnel Testing

The detailed wind tunnel testing highlights how even minor adjustments can significantly impact performance.

The ability to maintain a consistent test environment and rider position ensures that the aerodynamic data is accurate and actionable.

The Anticipation for the 990 RC R

Building Excitement Among Enthusiasts

While promotional series often aim to build hype, the “Never Stop” series does so by providing genuine insights into the development process. This transparency helps build trust and excitement among potential buyers and motorcycle enthusiasts.

The Potential of KTM’s New Sportbike

With the extensive testing and development documented in the series, the 990 RC R promises to be a formidable contender in the sportbike market.

The combination of cutting-edge design, rigorous testing, and precise development sets high expectations for its performance.

Conclusion: A Must-Watch Series for Motorcycle Enthusiasts

KTM’s “Never Stop” series is more than just a promotional campaign; it is an educational journey into the heart of motorcycle development.

The second chapter, focusing on testing and development, provides invaluable insights into the meticulous processes that ensure the 990 RC R meets the highest standards of performance and reliability.

For anyone interested in the intricacies of motorcycle design and testing, this series is a must-watch.

Explore More

For those keen on diving deeper into the world of motorcycle development, following the “Never Stop” series is highly recommended. Each episode offers a wealth of knowledge and a newfound appreciation for the engineering marvels that motorcycles represent.

By watching the “Never Stop” series, viewers not only gain insights into KTM’s latest innovations but also develop a greater understanding of the complexities involved in creating a high-performance motorcycle.

As the anticipation for the 990 RC R builds, this series serves as a testament to KTM’s dedication to excellence and their relentless pursuit of perfection.

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