Hover Surf Dubai Police

Dubai Police inducted one of the most recent and wonderful innovation called as Flying Motorcycle , the S3 2019 hoverbike. In the course of the most recent quite a long while Dubai and its police base camp have incorporated the freshest innovation from all territories of the world.

They have quickly turned into the center point for advancement, exhibiting this innovation as well as embeddings it into consistently life.

In 2017 Hoversurf introduced  Scoprion 3 hoverbike at GITEX 2017. Rapidly Dubai Police and Hoversurf increased overall media, attracting more footing to this new space of transportation.

Together they realized that this space would come quicker than anticipated and it was critical that both joined forces together to be the first on the planet.

That late spring Hoversurf marked a MOU with the Dubai Police, making an association from two sections of the world, working nearly to make the eventual fate of kept an eye on transportation.

All through 2018 Hoversurf focused profoundly on the formation of our S3 2019 hoverbike, the most progressive hoverbike the world has ever observed.

By consolidating custom assembled flight controller, the most inventive composite material procedures and having a committed group that they could accomplish something really stunning.

Hoversurf displayed the S3 2019 to the Dubai Police at this years GITEX 2018 where it is now incorporated into there armada of advanced vehicles.

Both Hoversurf and Dubai Police comprehend this is only the start to something substantially bigger.

Source: Hoversurf

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