Alfred Boyadgis is man of hour and the superhero phrase ” With great power comes great responsibility “ truly implies him as he has goal to save maximum lives. Wearing multiple hats a designer, thinker, innovator and entrepreneur he is looking forward to change our perception towards the way we look at motorcycle riding gear, especially the helmets.

His vision is to make best use of technology with a mission to save lives. Forcite Helmets go five steps beyond the normal traditional helmets. The technology is patented and futuristic that will allow any rider who is wearing it to know what is happening on road.

As per Mordorintelligence Helmets are about 37 percent effective in preventing motorcycle deaths and about 67 percent effective in preventing brain injuries.

With Forcite coming the above two figures are definitely going to rise for sure.

For example, Guy Martin who is retired super bike rider and famous for his contribution in Motorsports crashed during the final lap of the 2015 Isle of Man TT race when lost control of his Tyco BMW in one of the corner.

And look what Guy had to say about this accident “I headbutted the ground at 210 kph then skidded into dirt field and catapulted off a few things. The impact was massive.I was knocked out but it’s credit to that helmet that i dint suffer any damage”. Well Guy is still around and to this day and he thanks his helmet for this.

Alfred too was caught in similar motorcycle accident, as he talks more during conversation and this accident made him think beyond how motorcycle gear can save more lives.

Alfred Boyadgis, CEO, Forcite Helmets 

1.How did Forcite Helmets as a company started?
Alfred: Forcite started by accident, almost 5 years ago I had an accident where I went through some oil on the road a badly injured my leg (not the first time), as I laid on the ground in agonizing pain I thought if there was technology that could have told me about it before I got there and therefore had the foresight to see it before it did I wouldn’t be laying here. Something that would allow me to know everything that happens out there through my helmet.

The idea was pretty much laughed out of most rooms and deemed as impossible and if big helmet brands were not doing it now then it’s not worth doing. I joined forces with an old university friend Julian Chow that I knew when we both were studying engineering back in 2013 and in 2014 we started making the future together.

Then we made a snow helmet! I know that makes no sense right. It was meant to be an “easier” product to get to market, oh boy, we were so wrong. In the end we learnt so much about how to build this thing, sold off some of the prototypes, returned the customers money for snow helmet via Kickstarter and wrapped up the snow project.

While this was all happening and we pivoted back to making motorcycle the product we loved the entire Skully saga was fresh in people’s minds and made it incredibly difficult for us to get meetings with anyone that would help us build ours.

So, with the funds we had left, we just built our own one. Then the rest is history so to speak. So stay tuned for our main event that is about to start.

2.Let me know more about your revolutionary innovative helmets?
Alfred:That information is for Test-pilots only at the moment, sorry. We are not releasing info to the public just as of yet.

The helmets will allow you to know everything that happens on the road, in a very unique patented way. It’s got a camera, sensors, navigation, and audio amongst other things.

It doesn’t make you Iron man! But it will help get you home alive.

3.How do you see the trend of helmets that has been changing or has change since last 2 decades?
Alfred:I think that major manufacturers are building the same products over and over with slight improvements mechanically and aesthetically. There has been little to no innovation besides Conehead and Pinlock to name a few.

You are now seeing tech companies moving into the motorcycle space as there is a large opportunity there as we are in a digital age now. I think traditional helmet sales models are also changing with companies trying to cut out distributors as the tech is too expensive to meet price margins on a smart helmet.

There is no place in the world for a $2000 helmet that only wealthy tech bikers can afford, nor a hyper-advanced click-on that is bulky or heavy on a helmet. I think they are both the wrong answer to the problem. If ultimately, the product is designed to save people it needs to be a mass-market product, to be that, it needs to be affordable, upgradable and fit distribution channels.

It needs an emphasis on the software and the upgradability of the software that allows features to change. Tech is an amazing tool for this sector and I think all helmets will have a “smart” function in the future and you will buy a time period to use them and the helmet will be $0. For example, $10 a month or something that will tie up with the bike you ride or the insurer. Millennials are choosing to rent, finance or co-share, how does the motorcycle industry change under the sharing economy?

4.What were the challenges that you came across while building this helmet?
Alfred : I’ll name the top 7:

  • Standards certification
  • Making the electronics small enough
  • Weight
  • Cost
  • Design
  • Software integration
  • Bad competitor reputations

5.How do you see yourself five years down the line?
Alfred :Hopefully, making motorcycle tech. But seriously, I can see Forcite technology being used across the entire transport sector in one-way shape or form, maybe not just in helmet form.

Personally, a few bikes in the shed, hundreds of lives saved and a team I can bet my life on. Money is the fortunate result of doing a good job.

6.Apart from building innovative and safe helmets what are your other passions?
Alfred: I am an industrial designer and mechanical engineer by trade, I love design, and building wearable technology is amazing to me.

Riding obviously, getting dirty building custom bikes, watching Tarantino movies, Star trek, electric guitars and a couple of cold beers on a hot day never goes to waste.

Wishing Forcite helmets best of luck and i am waiting for this new tech to get unveiled soon.

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Source : Forcite Helmets

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