
“Away” is an animated movie of a boy who via plane crash-landed on the remote island which has friendly birds, turtles and cats.

The island also has a large shadow monster whose touch is dangerous enough to kill any life form.

In a bid to look for his home directions, the boy finds the map and the motorcycle, and later meets the bird, as the bird is trying to take the flight but cannot. So he keeps the bird with him and travels on the motorcycle.

Latvian Gints Zilbalodis filmmaker made this 75 minute animated film in three-and-a-half years.

Away has various awards on its name as the Grand Prix at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival and won the “Contorshan” award for experimental and innovative feature films.

It has also won the Best feature film award at the 13th Poznan Animator Festival in Poland, and received the “9 Crowns” at the world film festival!

The movie talks about the boy and the flightless bird who embarks the journey from a remote island. Its a story about not giving up.

Gints Zilbalodis says.

“He was directly inspired by the movies, video games and trips he experienced.

The journey to Lanzarote in Iceland and the Canary Islands of Spain was a beautiful landscape in the play. It’s inspirational, he says, based on his own experience. “

We suggest you should at least watch Away once. The animations are spot on, and the plot is very thrilling and adventurous.

Besides, everyone likes to go on an adventurous journey in their lifetime.


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